Join the 24 hour challenge and get ready to amaze your friends and family with your newfound skills!
Let’s learn TOGETHER and dive into some modern electric guitar foundational secrets to SUPER CHARGE your first steps into riffing.
Everything you need to get started, and much more!
Your friends and family’s jaws will drop when they hear what you have learned!
Here’s where you’ll learn how to make your first chord, the chosen chord of legend that will carry you into the land of endless riffing!
In this module, you’re going to learn how to use palm muting like the pros to provide more dynamics to your chords to bring out those chugging rock and metal sounds!
In this module you’re going to learn how to control your new found abilities to start riffing, chugging and rocking out, just like you imagined!
Guitar and Amp health checks, guitar setup and string setup guides, tuning tutorials with guide videos, distortion dialling tutorials and many more pro tips to see you riffing ASAP
Rifflords Foundation is a fool-proof beginner’s electric guitar system — on steroids. It’s the easiest way to learn to modern electric guitar freely. TODAY.
With our system, you learn to play by the end of the day, even if you think you suck…
Our Riff Foundations Course will walk you step by step, from normal-dude to RIFF-LORD.
Everybody knows it takes years to get to that super pro level, but with Rifflord Foundations you’ll get the skills you need to …
Music Theory IS important…. but not right now.
There are a million & one ‘scales’ and ‘modes’ to mess around with and memorize, as well as stuff like ‘the circle of fifths’ and the worst of them all – learning to read sheet music!
Forget about all that…
When I was younger and I first picked up a guitar, it didn’t cross my mind, and it didn’t affect my guitar playing until I decided to move into becoming a professional player.
If you are just starting out, Riff Foundations will only be showing you exactly what you need to be able to throw your hands around the fretboard so you can riff out and have fun.
*Because being an electric guitar player is not supposed to be boring.
We’ve been exactly where you are. Dreaming of picking up an electric guitar and ripping a hole in space-time with your sounds, but daunted by the reality of actually learning it.
Learning can be slow and frustrating if you learn the wrong way. When you hit a wall with your learning, it’s easy to just give up or noodle along without progress.
That’s why we created Rifflords Foundations, to make learning as easy as possible, with rapid results.
(Because I want you to experience same the feeling I get every time I grab my guitar for a shredding session!)
Rifflords Foundations is not your basic guitar lesson course — it’s an intelligently designed, beginner’s guitar system that even the most musically hopeless will succeed with. Here’s why:
No confusion, in the shortest amount of time.
Be coached every step of the way, with each lesson seamlessly building on the last.
A clear walkway to success so you can be riffing out anywhere, anytime.
You won’t feel overwhelmed. You’ll feel motivated and energized with doable, bite-sized lessons.
Rob Cox has been a shred weapon for 20+ years. Rock guitarist/fan since childhood, a Metal guitar lover since age 15, trained as a session musician in a multitude of music genres, Lead guitar player in many bands and groups, and a creative riff machine. Ready to pass on the knowledge acquired from years of guitar work.
“I took the same journey as you, but I took the LONG road… and now I’ve made sure you do not, so let’s get you playing ASAP”
We want you to play along so you can learn of course - but an important feature of this course is that you can jam out at your own pace, and learn to create your own music. That's why we will be providing you with a MASSIVE backing track library to jam along to! A truck tonne of modern and classic styles for you to sink your picks into!
Email | Phone Call +447944302863 Address Riff Lords Academy, 14 Lockhouse, Overbridge Square, RG145BW, UK